for those who are in or around sane

Friday, April 30

whaddya wanna be when u grows up?

rhettoric asked me a fabulous question today:

with no regard to talent or training, what five careers would you want?

after some winnie-the-pooh quality think-think-thinking, this is what i came up with:
  • publisher for an independent literary press
  • owner of a vineyard & winery (location TBD)
  • movie star
  • philanthropist
  • food critic & cookbook author
when i have daydreams in traffic (or in meetings), they usually revolve around these five activities. i could go all david sedaris on you and hash out some of the better, more eccentrically-detailed dreams, but i think i'll just let them sit here for now. i think i'll just re-visit this post a few times in the next week or so, and keep thinking about what these five dreams mean to me.


Blogger Frogger Noob said...

Movie star d(^ -^)b
Kekekekee ^ -^

But I hope you get to be in at least one of those careers D:

8:36 PM

Blogger All Said In Love said...

Good question to ask yourself...I like all of those choices. Mine...
1. photographer
2. Baby Bop at Universal Studios (The Barney show is adorable)
3. Professional Cheerleader
4. Top event planner
5. Tour Guide for Adventures By Disney

Those are off the top of mu head.

1:36 PM

Blogger poki12 said...


6:07 AM

Blogger Scarly said...

3.Primary Teacher

12:15 PM


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