for those who are in or around sane

Sunday, August 30

garden v2.4

it's time for a long-overdue garden update!

i've got a nice little slide show of pix i've taken in the garden over the last weeks. and here's a general run down of accomplishments:

too many to count! the cherry tomatoes are sweet with a medium-tough skin. they stand up well to omelets, pasta dishes and fair extremely well on their own with a tiny bit of salt. the yellow pears are sweeter with medium skin and are huge stars in caprese and pasta salads for their awesome color and shape.

i asked lowriter (my friend of the farm) when i should harvest the cucs and after learning a lot of much-needed awesome cucumber information, she told me of the wisest thing yet - check the tag. hehe... turns out my variety grows to about 4" - 6" and thus far i've had 2 successful fruits and one on the way! it looks like there are many more pre-cucs, but according to lo's awesome knowledge about fertilization, they may not come to fruition (oh, yes, pun intended - been waiting to use that one all summer! muahaha).

basil = success beyond imagination. i've harvested one amazing crop for mass pesto production (frozen and stored accordingly for colder days). i may sneak out one more medium-sized harvest yet! rosemary - it's beautiful. i've enjoyed watching it sprout out into a cute bush. it's seasoned many piece of chicken or fish! the cilantro went to seed a while back, but not before providing a few small harvests for mealtime.

well... better luck next year? i say this every year. next year though, i promise to get a hearty variety. marigolds? something that will be hard to maim....



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